Christoph Gasser
Attorney-at Law, Dr. iur., LL.M. University of Michigan Law School
Christoph Gasser (Dr. iur. summa cum laude (Bern); LLM (Michigan)) is a partner and the head of the firms IP/TMT department. His long-standing practice includes advice and litigation in all areas of intellectual property and information technology law as well as trademark and design prosecution. Christoph Gasser is the executive secretary of the Swiss IP association INGRES (Institut für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz). He also serves as an adjunct judge at the Swiss Federal Patent Court, a court expert, and an expert examiner for the Swiss Patent Bar examination. Moreover, he is a frequent conference speaker and has written substantial publications on intellectual property law.
St. Annagasse 9
P.O. Box 1162
8021 Zurich Switzerland +41 58 220 37 00 Contact email hidden; JavaScript is required Assistant email hidden; JavaScript is required
8021 Zurich Switzerland +41 58 220 37 00 Contact email hidden; JavaScript is required Assistant email hidden; JavaScript is required
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Christoph Gasser is an outstanding IP attorney, one of the best in Switzerland. He is able to spot all legal issues with the ease of a highly talented legal mind. Proactive, extremely competent and reliable, he is our choice for IP matters in Switzerland.Legal500 EMEA, 2022
At the forefront of the much-lauded IP practice is Christoph Gasser, one of Switzerlands leading lawyers: He is extremely committed to each brief he takes on and will not leave the room until the project is perfectly done and dusted. Christoph is immenselWorld Trademark Review, 2022
Clearly Christopher Gasser is the firms best asset. His combination of lawyer and partner of the firm together with having been a patent judge is a perfect match, as his knowledge and legal approach are always an advantage when litigating and approachingLegal500 EMEA, 2021
An experienced lawyer and a phenomenal litigator with great work ethic. He has a phenomenal eye for detail and constructs meticulous arguments just some of the reasons why he has been choosen to sit as an adjunct judge at the Federal Patent Court.IAM, 2021
One of Switzerlands most prominent, talented and exceptional trademark lawyers, Christoph Gasser is the man to call in any branding scenario. He knows everything there is to know about trademarks, acts quickly and clients are guaranteed an impeccable servWorld Trademark Review, 2021
Dr Christoph Gasser, LL.M. of BianchiSchwald, the head of the firms excellent IP team, features an impressively broad legal knowledge which testifies for his vast legal experience. He excels by his outstandingly fast pace in terms of responsiveness and inLegal500 WMW - designated as "Leading Individual", 2020
Christoph Gasser receives effusive praise from all corners of the world. He is one of the best lawyers we have ever worked with, enthuses one patron. He knows our concerns inside out and is incredibly responsive at virtually every time of the day.World Trademark Review, 2020
Litigator Christoph Gasser is willing to go the distance and is available for his clients 24/7. The practice spearhead is an entrepreneurial thinker who understands business structures and takes company policies into account when giving advice.World Trademark Review, 2019
The incredibly knowledgeable Christoph Gasser has a fantastic understanding of the business requirements. Another client adds: We know that we will receive thoughtful advice whenever we reach out to him.Chambers Europe, 2018
The brilliant Christoph Gasser comes highly recommended as one of the best lawyers in Switzerland for trademarks work. WWL also says that he is a top practitioner with a superb reputation as a trademark litigator and prosecutor.Who's Who Legal: Trademarks, 2018
His work is extraordinary: he is one of the most intelligent, meticulous and precise lawyers anywhere nothing goes unnoticed; he is also the fastest practitioner you will ever meet Christoph is available at almost any time.World Trademark Review, 2018
Incredible intelligence, sound judgement, immense know-ledge and sublime theoretical understanding elevate him to the professions top table. He always goes the extra mile; clients are reassured by his responsive approach.World Trademark Review, 2018
Christoph is extremely competent; he responds quickly and has good connections with lawyers all over the world.Client Choice, 2017
Since 2024 | Partner at valfor |
2017–2024 | Partner at BianchiSchwald LLC |
2011–2024 | Adjunct judge at the Swiss Federal Patent Court |
2011–2024 | Expert examiner at the Swiss Patent Bar examination |
2011–2024 | Lecturer at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property for classes preparing for the Swiss Patent Bar examination, Bern |
2007–2024 | Executive secretary of INGRES (Institut für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz; Swiss IP Association) |
2007–2024 | Co-organizer of INTA Round Tables for Switzerland |
2004–2016 | Partner at Staiger, Schwald & Partner Ltd. |
2010–2011 | INTA Bulletin Co-Chair (Sub-Committee Law & Practice: Europe & Central) |
2000–2010 | Lecturer at the program Master of Advanced Studies in Intellectual Property of the ETH Zurich |
1999–2004 | Associate at Lenz & Staehelin, Zurich |
1999–2003 | Lecturer at the LL.M. program of the University of Zurich |
1998 | Associate at Pennie & Edmonds LLP, New York |
1994–1997 | Research assistant at the Institute for Business Law, University of Bern |
1996 | Legal counsel at Swatch Group, Bienne |
1987–1994 | Law clerk at the District Court of Burgdorf |
1991–1992 | Junior associate at Jolidon Krneta Gullotti Hirt Riva, Bern |
1997–1998 | University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, LL.M. |
1994 | Doctor iuris summa cum laude, University of Bern, Law School |
1987–1994 | Admitted to the Bar, canton of Bern |
1987–1994 | University of Bern, Law School |
- Zurich Bar Association
- Swiss Bar Association
- INTA (International Trademark Association)
- ECTA (European Communities Trade Mark Association)
- LES (Licensing Executives Society)
- AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property)
- INGRES (Institut für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz; Swiss IP Association)
- VSP (Association of Swiss Patent and Trademark Attorneys)
- SF/FS (Swiss Forum for Communication Law)
- ASA (Swiss Arbitration Association)
Publications and Speeches
- Revision of competition law: extension of the prohibition of abusive practices under cartel law and introduction of a ban on geo-blocking with Stephanie Volz, Newsletter BianchiSchwald, May 2021
- 2020 Kopiervergütung gemäss GT8 und GT9 sic! 2020, 475 ff.
- Erweiterte Kollektivlizenzen (Art. 43a URG) with Thierry Burnens, in: Peter Mosimann (Hg.), Das revidierte Urheberrecht, Basel 2020, 129 ff.
- New federal data protection act for Switzerland with Thierry Burnens and Stephanie Volz, Newsletter BianchiSchwald, October 2020
- New challenges for international data transfers with Thierry Burnens, Newsletter BianchiSchwald, September 2020
- Cybersecurity und COVID-19 with Thierry Burnens and Adrian Trutmann, BianchiSchwald Newsletter, April 2020
- Kommentierung der Art. 35, 35a, 35b, 36, 36a und 48 PatG Mark Schweizer/Herbert Zech (Hg.), Patentgesetz (PatG), Bern 2019
- Schweizer Steuerreform: Prüfen Sie die konkreten Auswirkungen und nutzen Sie die Chancen! with Sébastien Maury, BianchiSchwald Newsletter, July 2019
- Kommentierung der Art. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 32, 33, 34, 35a, 35b und 35c MSchG Michael Noth/Gregor Bühler/Florent Thouvenin (Hg.), Markenschutzgesetz (MSchG), 2nd edition, Bern 2017
- Electronic Legal Correspondence in Switzerland The Latest Developments Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review 2014, 25 ff.
- Partial Cancellation for Trademark Non-use in Europe with Carmela Rotundo and Giuseppe Petti, INTA Bulletin 2014, Jg. 69, Nr. 7, 1 f.
- Civil Attachment (Freezing Order) of Future Claims with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2014, 65 ff.
- Preventive Measures against Violence at Sports Events/Constitutional Rights with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2014, 30 ff.
- The Swiss Approach to Examining the Technical Necessity of Three-Dimensional Trademarks INTA Bulletin 2013, Jg. 68, Nr. 5, 1, 7 ff.
- Criminal Law/Fraud/Manipulation of Soccer Games with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2013, 118 f.
- Ordre Public/Personal Freedom with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2013, 31 ff.
- Kommentierung der Art. 19, 20 und 24 URG sowie Vorbemerkungen Schranken in: Barbara K. Müller/Reinhard Oertli (Hg.), Urheberrechtsgesetz (URG), 2nd edition, Bern 2012
- Bundesgericht Schmuckring (CH), Urteil vom 4. Februar 2008 in: Henning Hartwig (Hg.), Designschutz in Europa / Design Protection in Europe, Bd. 4, Cologne 2012, 19 ff.
- Revision des Gesetzes gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb (UWG) with Cyrill Süess, SS&P Newsletter, September 2012
- Arbitration in Sports Cases with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2012, 108 ff.
- Doping Offences in the Past/Eligibility to Participate in Olympic Games with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2012, 69 ff.
- Soccer/Employment Law/Termination with Immediate Effect/Right to Perform ist Contractual Duties with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2012, 34 ff.
- New Arbitration Law (Arbitration; Civil Procedure; Switzerland) with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2011, 23 ff.
- Evidence in the New Swiss Federal Code of Civil Procedure Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review 2009, 195 f.
- Stärken und Schwächen der Europäischen Patentorganisation Tagungsbericht zur INGRES-Veranstaltung on 18 April 2008 in Bern, with Michael Ritscher, sic! 2008, 689 ff.
- Das ergänzende Schutzzertifikat in: Roland von Büren/Lucas David (Hg.), Patentrecht und Know-how, unter Einschluss von Gentechnik, Software und Sortenschutz, SIWR IV, Basel et al. 2006, 681 ff.
- Das Zitat im Lichte von "Kreis vs. Schweizerzeit" with Marc O. Morant, sic! 2006, 229 ff.
- Submission of evidence through digital documents in Swiss civil litigation with Stefanie Meyenhofer-Peters, Digital Evidence Journal 2006, 102 ff.
- Workshop über Kennzeichenrecht Entwurf eines schweizerischen Kennzeichengesetzes, sic! 2005, 983 ff.
- Markenschutz vereinfacht: Beitritt der Europäischen Union zum Madrider Protokoll, SS&P Newsletter, January 2005
- Der Eigengebrauch im Urheberrecht, Dissertation, Bern 1997
- Momentaufnahme des Patentrechts, recht 1997, 24 ff.
- Strategische und taktische Fragen bei der Schaffung und Hinterlegung neuer Zeichen with Roland von Büren, sic! 1997, 28 ff.
- Die internationalen Urheberrechts- und leistungsschutzrechtlichen Abkommen im Lichte des Information Highway with Carlo Govoni, in: Reto M. Hilty (Hg.), Information Highway, Beiträge zu tatsächlichen und rechtlichen Fragen, 1996
- Arbitration Law: Procedural Orders may not be appealed to the Federal Supreme Court [on a Swiss Federal Supreme Court Decision] with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2020, 20 f.
- SWITZERLAND: Supreme Court Rules VW-LAND May Not Be Used by Former Volkswagen Dealer, INTA Bulletin 2019, Jg. 74, Nr. 16
- SWITZERLAND: Swiss Court Denies Notoriety of Unregistered THINK DIFFERENT U.S. Trademark, INTA Bulletin 2019, Jg. 74, Nr. 13
- Fatal Accident during a Bicycle Race [on a Swiss Federal Supreme Court Decision]: Criminal Liability with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2019, 44 ff.
- Employment law: Right to attend specific trainings (St. Gallen District Court decision SZ.2019.58 of late March or early April 2019), with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 4/2019
- Hit by a Golf Ball [on a Swiss Federal Supreme Court Decision]: Criminal Liability, with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2018, 49 ff.
- Arbitration Clause [on a Swiss Federal Supreme Court Decision], with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2018, 82 f.
- Christoph Gasser, BianchiSchwald, on the Benefits of INTA Membership, INTA Bulletin 2017, Jg. 72, Nr. 19
- SWITZERLAND: Pink Color for Femoral Heads Not Protected as a Color Trademark INTA Bulletin 2016, Jg. 72, Nr. 16
- SWITZERLAND: Christian Louboutin Loses Position Trademark Appeal INTA Bulletin 2016, Jg. 71, Nr. 168, 689 ff.
- SWITZERLAND: Court Allows INDIAN MOTORCYCLE to Be Registered for Clothing INTA Bulletin 2016, Jg. 71, Nr. 7
- Criminal Liability of River Rafting Guides and Tour Operators [on a Swiss Federal Supreme Court Decision], with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2016, 20 ff.
- Civil Liability of an Operator of a Ski Slope [on a Swiss Federal Supreme Court Decision], with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2015, 52 ff.
- Advertisement by Attorneys at Sports Events [on a Swiss Federal Supreme Court Decision], with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2015, 29 ff.
- Bundesgericht Schmuckring (CH), Urteil vom 4. Februar 2008 in: Henning Hartwig (Hg.), Designschutz in Europa / Design Protection in Europe, Bd. 4, Cologne 2012, 19 ff.
- Athletics/Doping Violation/Reformatio in Peius [on a Swiss Federal Supreme Court Decision], with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2011, 22 f.
- Comentários à Decisão do Tribunal Geral da União Européia, Grupo Promer / PepsiCo: Invalidation because of Design Infringement according to Article 25(1)(d) of Regulation No 6/2002 RSDE 2010 (Rio de Janeiro), Nr. 6, 355 ff.fl., Bern 2017
- Grupo Promer/PepsiCo: Nichtigkeit wegen Geschmacksmusterverletzung nach GGVO 25 I d, sic! 2010, 539 ff.
- Federal Trademark Act Amendment Concerning Counterfeiting INTA Bulletin 2008, Jg. 63, Nr. 6, 15
- Benetton/G-Star: Keine Unterscheidungskraft durch Benutzung im Falle des Eintragungshindernisses von MarkenRL 3 I e (iii), sic! 2008, 317 ff.
- EUROJOBS Descriptive for Employment Agency Service INTA Bulletin 2008, Jg. 63, Nr. 2, 7
- Relatório Comentários sobre à Decisão da Corte Européia de Justiça, Dyson Ltd/Registrar of Trade Marks: No Trade mark Protection for Concepts RSDE 2008 (Rio de Janeiro), Nr. 2, 269 ff.
- Ice Hockey/Criminal Law [on a Swiss Federal Supreme Court Decision], with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2008, 11 f.
- AMERICAN BEAUTY Cannot Be Monopolized INTA Bulletin 2007, Jg. 62, Nr. 17, 9
- Red Bulls Color Trademark Blue/Silver Rejected INTA Bulletin 2007, Jg. 62, Nr. 11, 12
- Dyson Ltd/Registrar of Trade Marks: Kein Markenschutz für Konzepte, sic! 2007, 393 ff.
- Tennis [on a Swiss Federal Supreme Court Decision], with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2007, 51 ff.
- Football [on a Swiss Federal Supreme Court Decision], with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2007, 29 f.
- No Trademark Protection for Concepts INTA Bulletin 2007, Jg. 62, Nr. 8, 12
- COLORADO is limited to U.S. Products INTA Bulletin 2007, Jg. 62, Nr. 1, 9
- Government Revises Trademark and Design Fee [in Switzerland], INTA Bulletin 2007, Jg. 62, Nr. 1, 11
- Football [on a Swiss Federal Supreme Court Decision], with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2006, 98 f.
- Equestrian Endurance Racing: World Championships 2005 with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2006, 79 f.
- Snowboarding: Selection for the Olympic Games with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2006, 50 ff.
- DEUTSCHE SEE Fish Must be Caught Not Merely Processed in Germany INTA Bulletin 2006, Jg. 61, Nr. 15, 11
- Wakeboarding Decree with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2006, 24 f.
- Two Years' Tolerance Considered Sufficient for Forfeiture of Trademark Claims INTA Bulletin 2006, Jg. 61, Nr. 12, 10
- Bemerkungen zum "Soft Care-Entscheid" der Eidgenössischen Rekurskommission für geistiges Eigentum vom 12. Juli 2005, sic! 2005, 877
- Doping Sanctions System with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2005, 94 f.
- Ice Hockey: Arbitration in View of the Agreement between Switzerland and the European Union on the Free Movement of Persons with Eva Gut-Schweizer, ISLR 2005, 76 f.
- Container Suitable for Acquiring Distinctiveness Through Use INTA Bulletin 2005, Jg. 60, Nr. 8, 8
- BIN LADEN Trademark Upheld INTA Bulletin 2005, Jg. 60, Nr. 2, 4
- Burden of Proof on Owner of Imposed Trademark INTA Bulletin 2004, Jg. 69, Nr. 21, 7
- Acquired Distinctiveness Through Use of Three-Dimensional Trademarks, INTA Bulletin 2004, Jg. 59, Nr. 18, 3
- Protection of Well-Known Trademarks INTA Bulletin 2004, Jg. 59, Nr. 10, 14
- The Lego Case Continues INTA Bulletin 2004, Jg. 59, Nr. 2, 7
- International Arbitration: Procedure. Doping - independence of Arbitration for Sport - Procedural ordre public with Stephan Erni, ISLR 2003, 88 f.
- Bemerkungen zum "Die Post-Entscheid" der Eidgenössischen Rekurskommission für geistiges Eigentum 5 February 2002, sic! 2002, 247 f.